Sunday, June 9, 2013

The R House Couture at SNAP

 I was lucky enough to be a part of the SNAP conference at Thanksgiving Point this year. The R House Couture was one of the sponsors of the event and provided all of the attendees with a custom "create joy" piece designed especially for the SNAP! attendees.
I enjoyed the long weekend at Thanksgiving Point, loved spending time with my friends and fellow bloggers, loved meeting new friends and learned so many new things from the classes. What a fun conference it was.
We were so busy getting the necklaces ready for all of the attendees and our booth ready for Queen Bee Market that I didn't really take pictures of the actual event (utter fail).

Lucky for you, I have hilarious outtakes of the photo shoot we had for the brochure we included with our necklace. These really do sum us up and remind me how fortunate I am to co-own The R House CoutureSpotted Owl Soap with two of my best friends. 
Sometimes I need a few more minutes to be ready (and for someone to fix my shirt!). 
 Sometimes people steal each others tools. 
 And sometimes things get a little crazy.
Sometimes we tease each other like sisters.
Sometimes we are very serious and just have to get down to business.
 No matter what, we work well together and do whatever we can to help each other out.
 We always have so much to share with each other that our agenda includes an "other" section just for important updates in our lives (we can't let the business talk completely take over ;).
 And we laugh. A lot. 
In fact, sometimes I laugh so hard I cry and have to leave the workshop just so I can breathe.
 We work really hard behind the scenes to coordinate all aspects of our businesses and still have fun together as friends.
Who would have thought 5 years ago when we put one little necklace on Etsy during our craft night that we would be doing the things we are today. Life is amazing and so are my friends (errr, I mean business partners, Kim & Lindsey). Love you ladies!


  1. You ladies are gorgeous! So glad you had a great time at SNAP

  2. You ladies are gorgeous! So glad you had a great time at SNAP

    1. Ahhhh, you are the nicest! SNAP was fabulous and I definitely want to go again. You should join us!

  3. Love it! You all have a great vibe together!

    1. Why thank you. It is great being able to work with your friends.

  4. I love this post and super love you girls. xoxo

  5. All the outtakes are awesome. You guys are awesome!
